2月初旬(early February)

2月1日は、暖かく春のようでした。(February 1st was warm and spring-like.)

でも、来週には、雪のマークがついた日もあります。(However, next week there will be some days marked with snow.)

三寒四温を繰り返して、春になるのでしょう。(After repeating the three cold and four warm seasons, spring is here.)

気温の変化に注意して、衣服を変えないと風邪をひく季節です。(It’s the season to catch a cold if I don’t pay attention to changes in temperature and change my clothes.)

2月3日は、節分です。(February 3rd is Setsubun.)


(The meaning of “Setsubun” is to ward off evil spirits and pray for good health.)

我が家も豆をまきました。(I also planted beans.)


(We threw beans and prayed for safety this year while saying, “Demons are outside, good fortune is inside.”)

2月5日、初雪が、降り始めました。(The first snow began to fall on February 5th.)

(Snow started falling in the afternoon, and the scenery changed in the evening.)

2月9日は、氷点下の寒さです。(February 9th is freezing cold.)
丹沢山が白っぽくなってます。(Mt. Tanzawa is becoming whitish.)

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