
久しぶりに神社に行ったら七五三の可愛い子供たちがいました。(When I went to the shrine for the first time in a while, there were cute children of Shichigosan.)

七五三の意味(Meaning of Shichigosan):医療の発達が未熟で衛生面もよくなかった昔は、子どもの死亡率がとても高く、7歳になって一人前であると認められていました。
明治時代には「七五三」と呼ばれて庶民にも広まり、大正時代以降に晴れ着を着て神社にお参りするようになりました。(In the past, when medical care was immature and hygiene was not good, the mortality rate of children was very high, and it was recognized that children were mature at the age of 7.
It was a great joy for me to see my child grow up safely, and as a parent I wished for their healthy growth. Therefore, Shichi-Go-San is said to have originated from celebrating the growth of children aged 3, 5, and 7 by thanking God for their growth.
In the Meiji era, it was called “Shichi-Go-San” and spread to the common people, and from the Taisho era onwards, people began to wear festive clothes and visit shrines.)

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