
久しぶりにお日様が出ました。(The sun came out after a long time.)

昨日までは寒かったので(Because it was cold until yesterday)

簡易ビニールハウスに苗やハイビスカスやブーゲンビレアを入れました。(I put seedlings, hibiscus and bougainvillea in a simple greenhouse.)

地面に移植した苗もシートをかぶせました。(The seedlings transplanted to the ground were also covered with a sheet.)

10月初旬!(Early October!)

気持ちの良い秋空が広がっています。(A pleasant autumn sky is spreading.)

8月に亡くなった兄の四十九日がありました。(There was the 49th day of my brother who passed away in August.)

住職さんから四十九日の意味が説明されました。(The chief priest explained the meaning of the 49 days.)



(It is said that people go to Buddha 49 days after they die. It is believed that until the 49th day, they will be judged by Enma every seven days, and on the 49th day, they will receive the final judgment on whether or not they can go to the Pure Land.

In order for the deceased to be able to go to paradise, the bereaved families also add good deeds to the deceased by praying every seven days. The 49th day, when the deceased will be judged, is considered to be the most important day, so a grand memorial service is held on that day.

It is also said that the 49th is the day when the bereaved return to their daily lives after mourning)

9月下旬!(Late September!)

台風が去って今日は、秋晴れです。(The typhoon has passed and today is sunny autumn.)

秋の果実の柿や栗が大きくなりました。(Autumn fruits such as persimmons and chestnuts have grown.)

秋植えの種が少しずつ大きくなっています。(Autumn planted seeds are getting bigger little by little.)

菜の花の成長が一番早いです。(Rape blossoms grow the fastest.)


今日は9月15日です。(Today is September 15th.)

今年は残暑も暑いです。(The lingering summer heat is hot this year.)

例年のように台風も次々と発生しています。(As usual, typhoons are occurring one after another.)

植木の剪定と芝生の刈込が終わりました。(I have finished pruning the plants and mowing the lawn.)

種を植えた苗が少しずつ大きくなっています。(The seedlings I planted are growing little by little.)

9月初旬! (early September!)

9月1日です。(It’s September 1st.)

蒸し暑くて雷が遠くで鳴っています。(It’s hot and humid and thunder is rumbling in the distance.)

鉢植えの幸水、豊水、ラ・フランスを地植えにしました。(I planted potted Kosui, Hosui, and La France in the ground.)

秋の花、菊が咲きました。コスモスの花はまだです。(Autumn flowers, chrysanthemums bloomed. No cosmos flowers yet.)

サトウカエデの苗木が夏の水分不足で葉が駄目になってしまいました。(Sugar maple seedlings lost their leaves due to lack of moisture in summer.)

大変残念です。( It is very regrettable.)

水をあげたのですが、今年の暑さはもっとたくさんの水が必要でした。I gave it water, but the heat this year required more water)

8月下旬!(Late August!)

まだまだ 暑い日が続いています。(The hot days continue.)

しかし、夜になると涼しくなり秋を感じます。(However, it gets cooler at night and feels like autumn.)

庭には夏の花が咲いています。(Summer flowers are blooming in the garden.)

お盆です!(It’s Obon!)

お盆です。先祖が自宅に帰ってくるという日本の風習です。(It’s Obon. It is a Japanese custom that ancestors return to their homes.)

今朝、闘病していた兄が亡くなりました。(This morning, my older brother, who was fighting a disease, passed away.)

先祖がお迎えに来たのだと思います。(I think my ancestors came to pick him up.)

春に種をまいたペチュニアが奇麗です。(The petunias sown in spring are beautiful.)

8月初旬!(Early August!)

連日35度を超える猛暑が続きました。(The intense heat of over 35 degrees continued every day.)

この2日間は、30度以下になりました。(The temperature has dropped below 30 degrees for the last two days.)

身体がとても楽です。(My body is very comfortable.)

蝉の鳴き声も聞こえます。(I can also hear the cicadas crying.)

花日記(Flower Diary!)



(I enjoy growing flowers and vegetables.)


(The case of former Prime Minister Abe in June, and Corona infections are increasing rapidly and it is a restless day.)


(Summer flowers are in bloom in the garden.)
