風が吹く8月下旬(Late August when the wind blows)

昨日、今日と風が吹きました。(The wind blew yesterday and today.)

その為、暑さが和らいだように感じます。(Therefore, I feel that the heat has softened.)

トルコ桔梗が再び花を咲かせ始めました。(Turkish Bellflower has started to bloom again.)

四季なりイチゴが少しずつ実を着けています。(In all four seasons, strawberries are bearing fruit little by little.)



(Obon is a time to welcome and hold a memorial service for your ancestors.)


(On the 13th, we welcome our ancestors with Obon lanterns and cows and horses made from cucumbers and eggplants.)


(Relatives gather on the 14th and 15th, and there are places where Buddhist monks chant sutras.)


(Then, on the 16th, I will send my ancestors.)


(Last year, his older brother died of illness on the 15th.)


(Before his brother died, he said many times that his biological mother had come.)



(When I told the funeral director about this, he said, “On the 15th and 16th, I will take my ancestors back home, so I have to be careful.”)



(There is no scientific basis, but I feel like my mother took me there saying, “I’ve done my best so let’s go without suffering.”)


(The Gozan no Okuribi in Kyoto on August 16th is an Obon event to send ancestors back to the afterlife.)


(The five letters burning in the night sky feel sad.)

暑さが和らぎ、その後、猛烈な暑さの8月上旬!(The heat subsides, then the intense heat of early August!)

先週までの35度以上の猛暑より少し楽になりました。(It became a little easier than the intense heat of 35 degrees or more until last week.)

暑いのは同じですが、夜や朝が涼しいです。(It’s still hot, but it’s cooler at night and in the morning.)

エアコンを付けないで寝る日もあります。(Some days I sleep without the air conditioner on.)

芝生が暑さで褐色に変わってしまいました。(The heat has turned the grass brown.)

しかし、秋や冬に収穫できる柿、ミカン、甘夏などは大きくなっています。(However, persimmons, mandarin oranges, and sweet summers that can be harvested in autumn and winter are getting bigger.)

8月4日ごろからひどく暑いです。(It has been extremely hot since around August 4th.)

朝から外は熱い空気がまとわりつきます。( Hot air surrounds us from the morning.)

各地で花火大会が催されています。(Fireworks festivals are held all over the country.)

お墓参りに行ってきました。(I went to visit a grave.)
周りに木が多いので涼しかったです。(It was cool because there were many trees around.)